We limit ourselves to storing the smallest amount of user data that we need in order to create a seamless experience when using tlk.io. This data includes usernames (user chosen or provided by 3rd party services — Twitter or Facebook), IP addresses and messages. All the messages posted to non-moderated chatrooms are being removed after 10 minutes. We also use Google Analytics to track aggregated usage statistics in order to improve our service.
All the data authorship belongs to original content creators who have the right to remove it from tlk.io whenever they choose to. This can be achieved by hovering over a small dot next to your message and clicking "Delete". For any further assistance with removal of your data please reach out to deleterequest@tlk.io.
The authors of tlk.io have no intention of using personally or selling any of the above-mentioned data. In exceptional cases when we are contacted by authorities we will provide the data we have (including log files with access times and posted data) in order to help with the investigation process.
The users of the service are fully responsible for whatever they post and might be held accountable for any illegal material (including links to 3rd party websites with illegal content) submitted to tlk.io.